This 20 watt Mono-crystalline solar panel is the perfect option for maintaining batteries, offering approx. 1.2 Amps per hour input to a battery source.
This listing is for an unregulated panel, please note: It is advised to fit a regulator for a permanent installation to ensure overcharging does not occur.
Panel Type
Maximum Power (Pmax)
Voltage at Pmax (Vmp)
Current at Pmax (Imp)
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc)
Short Circuit Current (Isc)
Normal Operating Cell Temp (NOCT)
Max System Voltage
SP - 20S
20 watts
19.0 Volts
1.10 Amps
22.80 Volts
1.20 Amps
1000 Volts
460mm(L) x 335mm(W) x 25mm(D)
2.00 Kg
10 yr structural 25 yr performance warranty
These high quality panels are designed and manufactured especially for the use of mobile and independent power solutions (such as use on caravans, motor homes, etc).
Home of 12 Volt focus on providing solar modules that are proven in the field and assured to deliver consistent results. In order to guarantee our customers long-term performance and energy output, we avoid products that do not have a solid record of delivering in real-world situations.
The past 10-15 years has seen rapid improvements in the field of solar technology. Panels that were the “most efficient” on the market even 5 years ago are not necessarily the most efficient today.
There are three main types of panels available in today’s market:
Amorphous – These cells are used in calculators, watches, toys and small solar applications. Amorphous cells tend to work very well in levels of low light; however the surface area of the panel needs to be much greater in order to produce even a small amount of power. Some amorphous cells are flexible but are much larger in size per watt than mono crystalline panels. Amorphous panels claim to be more shade tolerant, however the size of the panel required to produce anything of real power renders the use of this type of panel impractical in the Caravan, camping and off-road industry.
Poly-crystalline – These panels were very commonly used in the Caravan, camping and off – road industry, most installations nowadays use the Mono crystalline panels. Polycrystalline panels use a light reflective crystal which tends to attract the light from sharper angles. This is a great feature for fixed mounted panels; however they also have flaws when compared against the Mono crystalline panels. Polycrystalline panels work fantastic in areas of high light such as the northern and western parts of Australia (high Western Australia, NT and QLD). However, the efficiency of a polycrystalline panel is reduced quite significantly when used in overcast or low light locations such as the lower parts of Australia or Eastern Australia.
Mono crystalline – The most popular type of panel used in today’s market due to its high tolerance to low light and overcast conditions. This type of panel was not as popular 10 years ago due to cost factors, however, as manufacturing cost for this panel has reduced, the Mono crystalline panels have by far taken the lead as the most “ALL ROUNDED” panel used in the off – road industry.
The Mono crystalline panel will 90% of the time outperform the other two types of panels listed above. The efficiency of a Mono crystalline panel is on par with a polycrystalline in levels of high light and it far exceeds the performance of the poly when in levels of low light or overcast.
Mono crystalline panels make for fantastic panels for the off-road / portable power usage due to the all rounded efficiency with all levels of light.
Home of 12 Volt offer a full range of fixed and portable Mono-crystalline Solar Panels.
All panels sold by Home of 12 Volt are made with highest quality A - grade silicon cells and come with a full 20-25 year performance warranty and 10 year structural warranty.
Please feel free to contact our store for more information 08 8391 3121